Friday, October 14, 2011

My Favorite Letter...


Often when I'm alone in the morning I get to thinking about random and somewhat silly things. This morning, for example, I slept in (it's my day off, doncha know!) and was trying to decide what to do for breakfast. Bacon, eggs with tomatoes and mushrooms, and toast won out, and win it certainly did! But while my bacon was frying, I started thinking about what my favorite letter might be. The worst thing is, this isn't the first time I've had this question in my mind. But I think this is the first I've written about it...

The letter F. Here is a list of the words and phrases (not frases) that mean a lot to me:

Food (!) including Fried, Filleted, newly Found, and absolutely Fantastic
Friends and Family
Faith and Fellowship
Fair Fare
trying things for the First time
having Fun and being Funny (or at least trying to)
Flying to see people I love
Favorite things (can I be more vague?)

Note that in this short list is not laundry. Today is laundry day for me, and I don't particularly care for it. Vacuuming is also not on this list; I don't like vacuuming either. (Mother, stop laughing!)

So what's the point of this post? Is it to attempt alliteration in all acceptable and available activities? Well, that was part of it. Another piece is that I just wanted to write something.

It all comes back to...what? What, pray tell, does it all come back to? Does it all come back to the alphabet? To playing favorites? To starting my weekend on Friday?

It all comes back to needing a place to be heard, in spite of the randomness and awkwardness of how my brain works. It all comes back to the fact that I start blogging and a few months in stop. It all comes back to the fact that so many of my family and friends have told me that I'm a good writer; I'd rather not lose the ability to write. It all comes back to thinking back, remembering, context, understanding the present in light of the past. Someway, somehow, it all comes back.

The Empire Strikes Back. Voldemort came back. Winter is coming back. Jesus is coming back. I wish past friends and family would come back, and some day they will. I hope in the future that things, people, peace will come back.

The title of this blog is a statement. It is a hope. It is a promise. And this blog has begun to ramble too much.

What is your favorite letter?

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