Sunday, April 8, 2012

An Easter Prayer

Risen Christ,

It is good to be here today. Indeed, today it is good that we are an Easter people.

We are not a people waiting and dwelling on the past around the Passover Table.

We are not a people trembling in fear and disappointment at the Foot of the Cross.

We are not a people in shock and alone in a locked room, fearful to take the necessary steps to return to 'normal' life.

We are not a people left to tend the dead, looking forward to nothing but a rotting corpse and a heavy stone blocking our path away from cleanliness.

No! We are an EASTER people!

We are a people who look at the Empty Cross and know the sacrifice you made for our sake.

We are a people who stare into the Empty Tomb terrified and thrilled, unsure and expectant, concerned and curious.

We are a people who deny you like Peter, who doubt you like Thomas, who betray you like Judas, who heckle you like Pharisees, who watch you go like Zebedee, who speak your name like Paul, who die for you like Stephen, and who love you like John.

We put you on the Cross a rabbi, a teacher, a healer, and a friend. You rose from the Tomb a miracle, the Savior, our hope, and God's intended future.

It is good to be here today. Indeed, today it is good that we are an Easter people.

We praise you, our Easter Christ. We thank you, our sought after Savior. We seek you, our hope and your promise.


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